Jess:(1.8.0-5) implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE wwwmathgl
Jess:( Whez:(1.11.2-17) library for scientific graphs (utilities and examples) wwwmesa-opencl-icd
Jess:(10.3.2-1+deb8u1) free implementation of the OpenCL API -- ICD runtime wwwmesa-vdpau-drivers
Jess:(10.3.2-1+deb8u1) Mesa VDPAU video acceleration drivers wwwmffm-fftw1
Jess & Whez:(1.7-3) A C++ wrapper for the fftw.org C library (version 3)miri-sdr
Jess:( Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (tools) wwwmpikmeans-tools
Jess:(1.5+dfsg-3) Whez:(1.5-1) Standalone applications for MPIKmeans wwwmultiarch-support
Jess:(2.19-18+deb8u7) Whez:(2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u11) Transitional package to ensure multiarch compatibility wwwmusl
Jess:(1.1.5-2+deb8u1) standard C library wwwN
Jess:(20110221-4.1) NaCl and CurveCP tools wwwnaspro-bridges
Jess:(0.5.1-1) Whez:(0.4.1-1) collection of bridges to LV2 wwwncbi-data
Jess:(6.1.20120620-8) Whez:(6.1.20120620-2) Platform-independent data for the NCBI toolkit wwwnepomuk-core-data
Jess:(4:4.14.0-1) Nepomuk Semantik Desktop core libraries -- shared data files wwwnepomuk-core-runtime
Jess:(4:4.14.0-1+b2) Nepomuk Semantik Desktop core libraries wwwO
Jess:(2.2.3-1+deb8u1) Whez:(1.3-3) Generic OpenCL ICD Loader wwwoctave-sundials
Jess:(2.5.0-3+b1) Whez:(2.5.0-3) SUNDIALS for octave wwwoctave-vlfeat
Jess:(0.9.17+dfsg0-6+b1) Computer vision library focussing on visual features and clustering wwwodbc-mdbtools
Jess:(0.7.1-2) MDB tools ODBC driver wwwodbcinst1debian2
Jess:(2.3.1-3) Whez:(2.2.14p2-5) Support library for accessing odbc ini files wwwofx
Jess:(1:0.9.10-1) Whez:(1:0.9.4-2.1) Open Financial Exchange programs wwwola-python
Jess:(0.9.1-1.1) Open Lighting Architecture - Python Classes wwwola-rdm-tests
Jess:(0.9.1-1.1) Open Lighting Architecture - RDM Responder Tests wwwompl-demos
Jess:(0.14.2+dfsg-1) OMPL library demos wwwopendbx-utils
Jess:(1.4.6-8) Utility applications using libopendbx wwwopenhpi-plugin-ilo2-ribcl
Jess:(2.14.1-1.4) Whez:(2.14.1-1.2) OpenHPI plugin module for HP's ProLiant rackmount servers wwwopenhpi-plugin-ipmi
Jess:(2.14.1-1.4) Whez:(2.14.1-1.2) OpenHPI plugin module for OpenIPMI wwwopenhpi-plugin-ipmidirect
Jess:(2.14.1-1.4) Whez:(2.14.1-1.2) OpenHPI plugin module for direct IPMI over LAN (RMCP) or SMI wwwopenhpi-plugin-oa-soap
Jess:(2.14.1-1.4) Whez:(2.14.1-1.2) OpenHPI plugin module for HP's BladeSystem c-Class wwwopenhpi-plugin-snmp-bc
Jess:(2.14.1-1.4) Whez:(2.14.1-1.2) OpenHPI plugin module for IBM's BladeCenter or RSA over SNMP wwwopenhpi-plugin-sysfs
Jess:(2.14.1-1.4) Whez:(2.14.1-1.2) OpenHPI plugin module for the sysfs filesystem wwwopenhpi-plugin-watchdog
Jess:(2.14.1-1.4) Whez:(2.14.1-1.2) OpenHPI plugin module for the Linux watchdog interface wwwosmo-sdr
Jess:(0.1.8.effcaa7-1) Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (tools) wwwP
Jess:(1.0.1-2) Whez:(0.7.6-3) Install fonts automatically using PackageKit wwwpackagekit-tools
Jess:(1.0.1-2) Whez:(0.7.6-3) Provides PackageKit command-line tools wwwpajeng
Jess:(1.1+git20140604.1d5509f042-1) space-time view and associated tools for Paje trace files wwwpango-graphite
Jess:(0.9.3-0.2+b1) Whez:(0.9.3-0.2) SILGraphite support for pangopango1.0-tests
Jess:(1.36.8-3) Layout and rendering of internationalized text - installed testspbs-drmaa1
Jess:(1.0.17-2) Whez:(1.0.10-3) DRMAA for Torque/PBS Pro - runtime wwwpcl-tools
Jess:(1.7.2-7) Point Cloud Library - point cloud processing tools wwwpcp-conf
Jess:(3.9.10) Performance Co-Pilot runtime configuration wwwphp-kolab
Jess:(0.5.3-1) PHP bindings for Kolab Library wwwphp-kolabformat
Jess:(1.0.2-2) PHP bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing wwwploop
Jess:(1.12.1-1) tools to work with ploop devices and images wwwplplot12-driver-cairo
Jess:(5.10.0+dfsg-1) Scientific plotting library (Cairo driver) wwwplplot12-driver-qt
Jess:(5.10.0+dfsg-1) Scientific plotting library (qt driver) wwwplplot12-driver-wxwidgets
Jess:(5.10.0+dfsg-1) Scientific plotting library (wxWidgets driver) wwwplplot12-driver-xwin
Jess:(5.10.0+dfsg-1) Scientific plotting library (X11 driver) wwwpolkit-kde-1
Jess:(0.99.1-1+b3) Whez:(0.99.0-3) KDE dialogs for PolicyKitpostgresql-9.4-pgextwlist
Jess:(1.3-3) PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting wwwproj-data
Jess:(4.8.0-5) Whez:(4.7.0-2) Cartographic projection filter and library (datum package) wwwprojectm-data
Jess & Whez:(2.1.0+dfsg-1) Advanced Milkdrop-compatible music visualization library - data wwwpslib1
Jess & Whez:(0.4.5-3) library to create PostScript filespslib1-dbg
Jess & Whez:(0.4.5-3) library to create PostScript filespsurface
Jess:(2.0.0-1) piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- utilities wwwpxlib1
Jess & Whez:(0.6.5-1) library to read/write Paradox database files wwwpyotherside
Jess:(1.2.0-1) Asynchronous Python 3 Bindings for Qt 5 (QML plugin) wwwpyqt4.qsci-dev
Jess:(2.8.4+dfsg-1) Development files for Python Qscintilla2 (Qt4) wwwpyqt5.qsci-dev
Jess:(2.8.4+dfsg-1) Development files for Python Qscintilla2 (Qt5) wwwpython3-babeltrace
Jess:(1.2.3-2) Babeltrace conversion libraries wwwQ
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt 5 Enginio QML module wwwqml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 folderlistmodel QML module wwwqml-module-qt-labs-settings
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 settings QML module wwwqml-module-qt-websockets
Jess:(5.3.2-5) Qt 5 Web Sockets QML module wwwqml-module-qtaudioengine
Jess:(5.3.2-5) Qt 5 AudioEngine QML module wwwqml-module-qtbluetooth
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt Connectivity module - Bluetooth QML module wwwqml-module-qtgraphicaleffects
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt 5 Graphical Effects module wwwqml-module-qtmultimedia
Jess:(5.3.2-5) Qt 5 Multimedia QML module wwwqml-module-qtnfc
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt Connectivity module - NFC QML module wwwqml-module-qtpositioning
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt Positioning QML module wwwqml-module-qtqml-models2
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 Models2 QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick-controls
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt 5 Quick Controls QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick-dialogs
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt 5 Dialogs QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick-localstorage
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 localstorage QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick-particles2
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 particles 2 QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick-privatewidgets
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt 5 Private Widgets QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick-window2
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 window 2 QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 xmllistmodel QML module wwwqml-module-qtquick2
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 Qt Quick 2 QML module wwwqml-module-qtsensors
Jess:(5.3.2+dfsg-2) Qt 5 Sensors QML module wwwqml-module-qttest
Jess:(5.3.2-4+rpi1+b1) Qt 5 test QML module wwwqml-module-qtwebkit
Jess:(5.3.2+dfsg-4+rpi1) Qt WebKit QML module wwwqof-data
Jess:(0.8.8-1) Whez:(0.8.6-1) Query Object Framework - common files wwwqpid-proton-dump
Jess:(0.7-2) Qpid Proton messaging tools wwwqt5-default
Jess:(5.3.2+dfsg-4+rpi1) Qt 5 development defaults package wwwqt5-image-formats-plugins
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt 5 Image Formats module wwwqtcore4-l10n
Jess:(4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-3+deb8u1+rpi1) Qt 4 core module translations wwwqtdeclarative4-kqtquickcharts-1
Jess:(4:4.14.0-1) QtQuick plugin to render interactive charts wwwqtenginio5-examples
Jess:(5.3.2-2) Qt 5 Enginio examples wwwqtgstreamer-declarative
Jess:(0.10.2-2.1) Whez:(0.10.2-2) QML plugins from QtGStreamer wwwqtgstreamer-plugins
Jess:(0.10.2-2.1) Whez:(0.10.2-2) GStreamer plugins from QtGStreamer wwwqtquick1-qml-plugins
Jess:(5.3.2-3) Qt 5 QtQuick1 qml plugins wwwqtquick1-qmltooling-plugins
Jess:(5.3.2-3) Qt 5 QtQuick1 qmltooling plugins wwwR
Jess:(0.9.6-3.1) plugins for radare2 wwwratpoints
Jess:(1:2.1.3-1) find rational points on hyperelliptic curves wwwrtl-sdr
Jess:(0.5.3-3) Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (tools) wwwS
Jess:(2:4.2.14+dfsg-0+deb8u2) Whez:(4.0.0~beta2+dfsg1-3.2) Samba Directory Services Database wwwsamba-libs
Jess:(2:4.2.14+dfsg-0+deb8u2) Samba core libraries wwwsanlock
Jess & Whez:(2.2-2) shared storage lock manager wwwsbc-tools
Jess:(1.2-3) Sub Band CODEC library - tools wwwscilab-getfem++
Jess:(4.2.1~beta1~svn4635~dfsg-3) Whez:(4.1.1+dfsg1-12~deb7u1) Scilab interface to the GETFEM++ generic finite element library wwwsciplot1
Jess:(1.36-16) Whez:(1.36-15) widget for scientific plottingservicefw
Jess & Whez:(1.2.0-3) Qt Mobility Service Framework tool wwwshibboleth-sp2-common
Jess:(2.5.3+dfsg-2) Federated web single sign-on system (common files) wwwshineenc
Jess:(3.1.0-2.1) Fixed-point MP3 encoding library - frontend binary wwwshishi-common
Jess:(1.0.2-5) Whez:(1.0.1-2) Platform independent files for Shishi wwwslurm-drmaa1
Jess:(1.0.7-1+b1) Whez:(1.0.4-3) PSNC DRMAA for SLURM - runtime wwwsmistrip
Jess:(0.4.8+dfsg2-10) Whez:(0.4.8+dfsg2-7) extract MIB from text files like RFC wwwsmitools
Jess:(0.4.8+dfsg2-10) Whez:(0.4.8+dfsg2-7) various tools operating on MIB module files wwwsqlheavy-utils
Jess:(0.1.1-2.2) Whez:(0.1.1-1) GObject wrapper for SQLite (binaries) wwwsrtp-utils
Jess:(1.4.5~20130609~dfsg-1.1+deb8u1) Whez:(1.4.4+20100615~dfsg-2+deb7u2) Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - utilities wwwT
Jess:(2.1.svn20090801-10) Whez:(2.1.svn20090801-9) examples for all Tao libraries wwwtcl-memchan
Jess:(2.3+dfsg-1) Whez:(2.3-2) Tcl extension for in-memory channels - runtime library wwwtcl-snack
Jess:( Sound extension to Tcl/Tk and Python/Tkinter - Tcl/Tk library wwwtcl-tls
Jess & Whez:(1.6+dfsg-3) TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl wwwtcl-trf
Jess:(2.1.4-dfsg3-1) Whez:(2.1.4-dfsg1-1) Tcl data transformations - runtime library wwwtcl-udp
Jess:(1.0.10-2) UDP sockets for Tcl wwwtcl8.6-tdbc
Jess:(1.0.0-2) Tcl Database Connectivity wwwtcl8.6-tdbc-mysql
Jess:(1.0.0-2) Tcl Database Connectivity wwwtcl8.6-tdbc-odbc
Jess:(1.0.0-2) ODBC driver for the Tcl Database Connectivity wwwtcl8.6-tdbc-postgres
Jess:(1.0.0-2) Tcl Database Connectivity wwwtcl8.6-tdbc-sqlite3
Jess:(1.0.0-2) Tcl Database Connectivity wwwtclodbc
Jess:(2.5.1-2) Whez:(2.5.1-1.1) ODBC extension for Tcl wwwtclx8.4
Jess:(8.4.1-1) Whez:(8.4.0-3) Extended Tcl (TclX) - shared librarytdom
Jess:(0.8.3-1) Whez:(0.8.3~20080525-3+nmu2) fast XML/DOM/XPath/XSLT extension for Tcl written in C wwwtdsodbc
Jess:(0.91-6+b1) Whez:(0.91-2+deb7u1) ODBC driver for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers wwwtix
Jess:(8.4.3-5) Whez:(8.4.3-4) Tix library for Tk -- runtime packagetk-tktray
Jess & Whez:(1.3.9-2) Freedesktop system tray icon support for Tcl/Tk on X11 wwwtk8.4
Jess:(8.4.20-1) Whez:(8.4.19-5) Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11, v8.4 - run-time files wwwtk8.6-blt2.5
Jess:(2.5.3+dfsg-1) graphics extension library for Tcl/Tk - library wwwtkdnd
Jess:(2.6-1) adds native drag & drop capabilities to the Tk toolkit wwwtntdb-mysql4
Jess:(1.3-2) MySQL backend for tntdb database access library wwwtntdb-postgresql4
Jess:(1.3-2) PostgreSQL backend for tntdb database access library wwwtntdb-sqlite4
Jess:(1.3-2) SQLite backend for tntdb database access library wwwU
Jess:( Whez:( library for scientific graphs (window interface) wwwuno-libs3
Jess:(4.3.3-2+deb8u5) Whez:(3.6.1-1+rpi1) LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- public shared libraries wwwure
Jess:(4.3.3-2+deb8u5) Whez:(3.6.1-1+rpi1) LibreOffice UNO runtime environment wwwV
Jess:(2.5+repack0-2) Whez:(2.1-1) example Vamp plugins, host and RDF generator wwwvamp-plugin-sdk
Jess:(2.5+repack0-2) Whez:(2.1-1) audio analysis and feature extraction plugins (SDK) wwwvflib3
Jess:(3.6.14.dfsg-3+nmu2) Whez:(3.6.14.dfsg-3+b1) Versatile Font Libraryvoms-mysql-plugin
Jess:(3.1.6-1+b2) Whez:(3.1.6-1) VOMS server plugin for MySQL wwwvpim
Jess:(0.695-1.1) Whez:(0.695-1.1~deb7u1) Ruby support for vCard and iCalendar wwwvstream-client
Jess & Whez:(1.2-6.1) library and utility to fetch media streams from a TIVO wwwX
Jess:(1.6.8-1) Whez:(1.6.7-2) Extended Object Tcl (XOTcl): Object orientation for Tcl - shared library wwwxulrunner-10.0
Jess:(10.0.12esr-1+rpi3) Whez:(10.0.12esr-1+rpi2) XUL + XPCOM application runner wwwY
Jess:(5.0.0-1-1) Whez:(4.1.0-1~dfsg-3) YATE core modules wwwZ
Jess:(1:1.2.8.dfsg-2) Whez:(1:1.2.7.dfsg-13) compression library - runtime wwwzlibc
Jess:(0.9k-4.2) Whez:(0.9k-4.1) An on-fly auto-uncompressing C library www
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